ERASMUS+OID Number: E10337941 | +34 669 053 951

Digital Eco-Leadership

Title: Digital Eco-Leadership
Number: 2022-1-LV01-KA220-SCH-000092863
Action Type: KA220-SCH
Duration: 24 months

Colegiul național „Calistrat Hogaș”→ Romania
Agrupamento de Escolas Eça de Queirós → Portugal
Asociaţia DEMETRIUS → Romania
Araxa Edu→ Türkiye
SABA→ The Republic of North Macedonia
TeneLearning → Spain

Main Aim: The project aims to enhance eco-digital literacy among teachers and students in educational institutions. The primary goal of the project is to educate participants on ecological principles using digital tools and to promote environmental awareness and actions within local communities.

- Enhance Eco-Digital Literacy: Improve the understanding of ecological principles using digital tools among teachers and students.
- Develop Innovative Educational Resources: Create materials that combine environmental science and digital learning.
- Promote Community Engagement: Encourage active participation in environmental sustainability initiatives.
- Foster Collaboration: Build partnerships between schools, local communities, and environmental organizations.

1) Kick-off Meeting in Romania
2) Digital Eco-Literacy Teacher Training Program
3) Webinars
4) Learning, Teaching, and Training with teachers in Spain
5) Intellectual Output: Local events
6) Intellectual Output: Eco-Tech Learning Modules
7) Intellectual Output: Eco-Tech Collaboration Hub
8) Intellectual Output: Virtual Piloting
9) Mid-Term Meeting in The Republic of North Macedonia
10) Learning, Teaching, and Training with students and teachers in Portugal
11) Multiplier Events in each country
12) Final Meeting in Türkiye

Expected Outcomes and Results:
- Enhanced digital and environmental literacy among students and teachers.
- Increased collaboration between educational institutions and local communities in addressing environmental issues.
- Development of innovative teaching methods that integrate technology with environmental education.
- Greater awareness and proactive engagement in sustainability practices among participants and their communities.

TeneLearning is an educational and training centre for adults in Tenerife.

We offer engaging courses for professional and personal development, corporate trainings, team-buildings, retreats, and tailor-made projects.